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Starting & where to find the Vassal Academy scenarios? - Printable Version

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Starting & where to find the Vassal Academy scenarios? - trideau - 11-28-2020

Sorry to ask the questions and I have looked through the PG-HQ website to still can't figure out how to start.  

I have download the "Panzer Grenadier Über Base Module"  and "Elsenborn Ridge" extensions.  I have loaded the module and extension into Vassal and now I don't know where to go from here.


RE: Starting & where to find the Vassal Academy scenarios? - plloyd1010 - 11-28-2020

You are enrolled for Self-study. That means you are playing the 6 mini-scenarios, and submitting logfiles of your play afterward.

Everything need can be downloaded from the Core Files portion of the library.
You will absolutely need:
    Panzer Grenadier Über Base Module (which you already have)
    PG Über Mentoring Extension (2nd from the bottom of the Core Files list)
    Minefields (an extension you will be using for your last scenario)

You will almost certainly want to download the PG Über Mentoring Scenarios Document (right above the  PG Über Mentoring Extension entry) and PG Über User Guide (just below the Minefields extension).

Until you get used to the game, the PG Über Counter Menu Reference (below the PG Über User Guide) will be handy to have.

The Logfile Creation & Uploading document (the last in the Core Files list) can save you some early frustration.

Now you play the first Mentoring scenario, alone or with a friend, creating a logfile as you play. Then you upload the logfile for review. If you created more than one logfile, because of multiple sessions, zip the logfiles together and upload that. One of use will review the logfile and give feedback on feature usage and play errors.

RE: Starting & where to find the Vassal Academy scenarios? - bob_santafe - 12-22-2020

I haven't yet signed up for the Academy (being busy, rather than through lack of interest).  When I do, and go through the process, what VASSAL modules are available?  I have Elsenborn Ridge, but am particularly interested in the Battle of the Bulge, Winter Soldiers, Cassino and Kursk South Flank.

RE: Starting & where to find the Vassal Academy scenarios? - plloyd1010 - 12-22-2020

Vassal support for Panzer Grenadier is not based on individual game modules, there is only one module, PG Über base. Game support is based on combinations of extensions run by the base module. In an English versus Vassal clash, support is thus 'modular', not based on 'modules'. Go to the Vassal Game Packs section of the library. There you can see the games supported (91 to date). All the games you are interested in are on the list. Many extensions, Order of Battle extensions especially, appear in multiple game packages.