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Book of Armaments - Printable Version

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Book of Armaments - Poor Yorek - 03-24-2019

from APL 21MAR Book of Armaments

1.  I would be extremely disappointed if a "Holy Hand Grenade" counter were not included (given the name of the supplement).
2.  This sounds like a visually nice upgrade to using the old artillery factor home-made counter art, but $34.99 worth?
3.  Is anyone aware of a scenario that uses the Heer 170mm piece (to be included in BoA); that is, that uses any 28-factor OBA (and which I thought was a more-or-less dedicated heavy AA piece)?  

Since no new scenarios are mentioned explicitly, I was curious as to how some of the new pieces would be put to use if OBA factors don't already "match up" so-to-say?

RE: Book of Armaments - plloyd1010 - 03-25-2019

By the numbers:
  1. Doesn't that only work on rabbits? I thought he was already dead.
  2. Probably not worth the money. Even with the GC applied discount it comes $24.50. Since I make, and often remake, my own counters, unless the content seems compelling, I'm not likely to be buying.
  3. Kind of hard to say. 30 OBA factors appear in BN, RtB, and ER. Are those pre-BoA 170mm?

RE: Book of Armaments - Hugmenot - 03-25-2019

What is Book of Armaments?

A PG scenario supplement with a countersheet?

RE: Book of Armaments - Poor Yorek - 03-25-2019

(03-25-2019, 12:45 AM)plloyd1010 Wrote: By the numbers:

  1. Doesn't that only work on rabbits? I thought he was already dead.
  2. Probably not worth the money. Even with the GC applied discount it comes $24.50. Since I make, and often remake, my own counters, unless the content seems compelling, I'm not likely to be buying.
  3. Kind of hard to say. 30 OBA factors appear in BN, RtB, and ER. Are those pre-BoA 170mm?

1.  The scripture (Book of Armaments, Chapter 2:9-21) notes "... blow thy enemies to tiny bits ..." with no specific mention of limitation to rabbits, killer or otherwise.

3. Perhaps, or maybe the 30 OBA =>  21.0 cmörser_18

And my OP aside comment about the 170mm being a "dedicated" AA piece appears to have been a mis-conflation with the US 120mm piece, though not sure how I managed that other than a vague notion of an off-sounding calibre being the AA piece. ::face palm::

RE: Book of Armaments - Poor Yorek - 03-25-2019

(03-25-2019, 02:19 AM)Hugmenot Wrote: What is Book of Armaments?

A PG scenario supplement with a countersheet?


2. A Monty Python & the Holy Grail reference (c.f. Killer Rabbit scene)

RE: Book of Armaments - cjsiam - 03-25-2019

So let it be written:

From The Book of Armaments 2:9-21

Brother: "And the Lord spake, saying, First shalt
               thou take out the Holy Pin.

               Then, shalt thou count to three, no more,
               no less.

              Three shalt be the number thou shalt
              count, and the number of the counting
              shalt be three.

              Four shalt thou not count,
              nor either count thou two, excepting that
              thou then proceed to three.

              Five is right out. 

              Once the number three,
              being the third number, be reached, then
              lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of
              Antioch towards thy foe, who being
              naughty in my sight, shall snuf it."

Maynard: Amen.

          All: Amen.

    Arthur: Right! One. . . two. . . five!

And truly, Let it be said, thou shalt watch the benediction :


RE: Book of Armaments - ex-PFC Slayden - 03-25-2019

I’m absolutely buying it because I: (1) want to financially support Avalanche Press; (2) like the coolness factor of the Artillery Display Cards with actual counters sitting on them; and (3) enjoy the historical background provided.

RE: Book of Armaments - ex-PFC Slayden - 03-26-2019

Update: So I pre-ordered it tonight. Very excited! Yes, I excite easily. Totalled $32.99 with original price of $34.99, Gold Club discount of $10.50, and shipping to the United States of $8.50. I’ll post pics once it arrives.

RE: Book of Armaments - Shad - 03-26-2019


RE: Book of Armaments - larry marak - 04-08-2019

Ordered it also. I think the sourcebook idea is excellent, provided it is more than an anthology of Daily Content articles. I'd like a book of ground attack aircraft with various planes that can take the place of the incredibly limited selection used in the P.G. series.