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RE: 4TH EDITION TABLE RELEASED. - Brett Nicholson - 05-31-2014

All understood Matt and thanks. There are positive aspects to the new AP and that they are trying to correct some of the mistakes made in the past. My frustration over the last year or so was making the transistion from interpreting 2nd edition rules and then crossing over to 3rd edition after finally getting a game that had the 3rd edition rulebook included along with discovering this site's annotated rules. I'm sure that in a few years everything will fall into place and that the new PG will thrive. Until either the annotated 3rd edition rules change to 4th edition at this site or I eventually get a 4th edition game with the new rules I will be content with I already have in my collection; I think the most recent title I have is 'South Africa's War' and have played all I can out of it already without buying more products. I consider everything that AP has released up until this point was designed along 3rd edition guidelines and at least in solo plays will continue to stick with 3rd edtion rules. I'm sure that in the case of shared matches that it will depend on the other player as to whether the new opportunity fire rule will be incorporated and really, that was my only gripe -just one rule change. I do like the fact that AP is releasing games that don't require the ownership of two or more of the same title; especially games like 'Desert Rats', 'Battle of the Bulge' and 'Beyond Normandy' along with supplements that require no more than two games owned to play all the scenarios rather than up to ten or more. This is a forum and was just expressing my concerns and opinions. It's not like I've run out of playing material as I still have 70+ 'Eastern Front' scenarios and a good deal of 'Guadalcanal' to polish off.

RE: 4TH EDITION TABLE RELEASED. - zaarin7 - 05-31-2014

When I get Burning Tigers I'll be able to speak about the 4th ed as that is the only 4th ed product I'll be able to get.

RE: 4TH EDITION TABLE RELEASED. - vince hughes - 06-01-2014

Well, being in the position of having most if not all the WW2 PG bits I actually like it when supplements draw from many sets so that I can match up units and pieces that otherwise would not meet in the set boxed packages. I don't really call for AP to package one way or the other as what works for one person will not be ideal for another (as this post shows). However, my only gripe I ever make is that the damn sets with counters and boards often do not match up together. Just the boards failing to match means that there is a limitation on what ones can be butted together.