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PG-HQ Needs YOU! - Printable Version

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RE: PG-HQ Needs YOU! - saracv3 - 06-02-2019

My God, I I haven't paid attention to this string for 2 days?
Anyway, even though I only have a LG2at. the moment, I don't see a problem with data rbtrg. I'm not a designer

I'm selling my ability short by sounding like J can't do anything. I can do data entry. And I can keep current the PG games.

So I'm in, if you 'll have me.

New games this week:
Conquest of Ethiopia
Army at Dawn
Next week:
Sword of Israel


RE: PG-HQ Needs YOU! - plloyd1010 - 06-03-2019

Craig, the data entry is done on those games. That doesn't mean there aren't mistakes. Lou has been going through the ILS, that has found a lot of mistakes. Some other parsing could find more.