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[War of the Worlds] this is basically Ogre in PG clothing, right?
06-29-2012, 01:48 AM,
RE: [War of the Worlds] this is basically Ogre in PG clothing, right?
Yes and no. The Tripod has only one step, and any hit, X, Demoralized, or Disrupted is enough to wipe it out. But it's darn hard to do damage in 1938, and there are 3 of them to contend with.

By the way, there is also a scenario and counters for the 1890 era invasion, in the Great War at Sea System.

This could become a universal wargame product with a lot of development by those who love the situation.

I can see it now, the CVN Ronald Reagan vs emerging Tripods. If you've seen Battleship the movie, you can watch stand-off missles strike force fields in the exact same kind of invasion.

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RE: [War of the Worlds] this is basically Ogre in PG clothing, right? - by larry marak - 06-29-2012, 01:48 AM

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