RE: Entrenchments
[b}About AT guns[/b]. Demoralized AT guns do not have to fee (14.31) if they are in are in an entrenchment: "A demoralized leader or unit in a hex containing an entrenchment is not required to flee, but may do so if desired".
This is important nuance because 14.34 states "If a demoralized weapon unit with a movement allowance of 0 fails a recovery attempt AND it must flee, it is eliminated (the crew abandons the weapon)".
Thus a demoralized AT gun with 0 movement allowance which fails a recovery attempt is eliminated unless it is in a entrenchment.
With 4th edition rules allowing the placement of entrenchment in towns, it can be tempting to put a big AT gun in an entrenchment in town, stacked with a HMG (for direct fire and close assault purpose) and an officer with a morale modifier. Hard to dislodge if you don't get a X result sometimes along the way.