RE: Panzer & two expansions
I just ordered Panzer during the recent sale, risking only $60 on this system. If I like it, great and if not, I'm not out a ton of money. My only previous experience with the system is a copy MBT that I picked up many moons ago. I had trouble grasping some concepts, and the addition of air power certainly didn't help me in that regard. I'm hoping that this time around I can get a better handle on things.
Another thing to note is that I have now sold off my ASL collection. At the time I picked up MBT, ASL was my mainstay tactical game. I suspect that I was so involved with ASL that trying to grasp the MBT rules and nuances was too much me me to handle. My current tactical system is Panzer Grenadier (d'oh) so any additional complexity that Panzer throws at me shouldn't overwhelm me.
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