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Reasons why I don't do "on line".....
01-26-2024, 06:17 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-26-2024, 06:22 AM by Tony M.)
RE: Reasons why I don't do "on line".....
Re your #1:
I agree completely. At my age, at this point in my life, I just don't care to get bogged down like that. I play the games, and if I reach a point where the rules are not clear, I might ask a question here on this forum. But most of the time I just pick a course of action and move on. 

Re your #2:
Yep, that's me also. I tried Vassel years ago and found it to be more trouble than it's worth. Many guys like it and find it to be a useful tool. More power to them. I'm generally pretty PC-savvy, but I spent 40+ years at work navigating PC stuff, attending work-related workshops on how to use this or that proprietary software. Now that I'm retired, I'm done with all that. These days I just don't feel like putting in the time.

Re your #3:
That does not apply to me specifically, but my wife...

Re your #4:
Doesn't apply to me, because I only do solo plays.

Re your #5:
Yep. Some days I feel like playing a turn or two, and sometimes I might not feel like returning to the game until next week. I'm extremely reluctant to commit myself to being online any particular day or time. When I was working I had to do that. I happy that I don't have to do that any more. 

For me there's another reason: the kinds of creepy guys I encountered some 50 years ago when I first met wargamers face-to-face while in college. Guys who thought the Rhodesian Army was just the coolest, hippest fighting force on planet Earth, except possibly for the Waffen SS. They creeped me out, and that feeling has stayed with me to this day. I'm quite content to continue my study of military history by myself, and play these games, when I play them, sitting by myself in my living room, with a glass of wine nearby.

Everybody enjoys the hobby in their own way, and no way is more or less valid than any other way.
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RE: Reasons why I don't do "on line"..... - by Tony M - 01-26-2024, 06:17 AM

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