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Peace in Our Time pieces - Printable Version

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Peace in Our Time pieces - plloyd1010 - 02-02-2022

The DIY set for Peace in Our Time is basically the First Axis/Slovakia's War pieces placed on a dark blue background with a Czechoslovakian roundel. Artistically I have a couple problems with this, primarily when it comes making the graphics for a Vassal extension. The shadows are too light and the basic foot troops don't have enough contrast with the back ground. So here are som alternates for consideration.

The first column is the original scheme with darker shadows. 2nd column is the original scheme, but with a light outline. The last is the infantry with outline grey deepened to black.
The lower row is with the counter shading reversed, as I often do with darker counters.

I am not intending to have shadows on the top-down images.
Any thoughts on which look best?

RE: Peace in Our Time pieces - treadasaurusrex - 02-02-2022

Eliminating the shadow on the plan view (top down) counters is a great idea. I think that you should consider eliminating the unnecessary shadows on all PG counters to show that they are our own PG-HQ counters.
Back to your question, you might consider using a lighter shade of blue on these PIOT counters as the figures are very hard to see against such a dark background.

RE: Peace in Our Time pieces - triangular_cube - 02-02-2022

Shadows on PG counters never bothered me in the past. PIOT sure made them an issue though with the color scheme. I didnt even realize there were shadows on the AFVs before PIOT as it was such a muted effect. Consequently I am not in favor of removing shadows from other counters unless the specific schemes exaggerate them to the point of distraction. 

Top row, farthest to the right is my favorite of the bunch you posted here. Contrasts nicely.

RE: Peace in Our Time pieces - wleonard1 - 02-02-2022

Who knew that there were so many choices for counters!  I definitely like the light outline (column 2).  The heavy outline in column 3 seems like a little too much - it almost looks like a lower resolution.  No preference as to original or reversed counter shading.

RE: Peace in Our Time pieces - PzIVF2 - 02-02-2022

Second Column, Second Row has, I think, the best contrast.

RE: Peace in Our Time pieces - goosebrown - 02-02-2022

It is pretty subtle. Love to have more contrast, but the second column is probably the best.

RE: Peace in Our Time pieces - Schoenwulf - 02-02-2022

Column 2, shade reversed for me