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Parachutes Over Crete - Printable Version

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Parachutes Over Crete - IvorG - 10-31-2020

I'm new to the system and just finished going through the 6 x self-study scenarios. Huge thanks to both plloyd1010 and Schoenwulf for taking the time to go through my logfiles and provide feedback - above and beyond the call! I now have access to the modules and am itching to get into Cassino '44 and Parachutes Over Crete; the two modules which prompted me to give PG a go. I note that POC is not available as a module yet and was just wondering if it is pending? I bought it earlier this year as soon as it came out and I imagine it takes quite a bit of hard work to turn these into viable Vassal modules. So given the freshness of its release I guess it will take a while.

RE: Parachutes Over Crete - plloyd1010 - 10-31-2020

First point, PG Vassal support doesn't come in modules, it put together with a series of extensions. Like with the the mentoring extension and minefields extension make the scenario 6 happen. Cassino has 3 aircraft, 1 fortification, 6 leader, 1 map and 9 OOB extensions to cover the game. That makes 20 extensions to play every scenario, 21 if download the gebirgs leaders for the mountain troops, plus those minefields. You don't need every extension active for any given scenario, but that is how the package works. Look-up these guys, they are using the package, and have created a helper extension for managing formations. I think that has us up to 23 for all and everything.

POC will likely be December or March updates. It will need OOB updates, which puts it on the update schedule. one of the maps (98) needs some editing before it gets packaged. Then there are leader and aircraft extensions, and the Greeks need to be created. The next to do is Liberation. It will be ready in December, along with Afrika '44, and hopefully, Last Horse Soldier, 'M' Division and some other extensions.

RE: Parachutes Over Crete - IvorG - 11-01-2020

(10-31-2020, 11:38 PM)plloyd1010 Wrote: First point, PG Vassal support doesn't come in modules, it put together with a series of extensions. Like with the the mentoring extension and minefields extension make the scenario 6 happen. Cassino has 3 aircraft, 1 fortification, 6 leader, 1 map and 9 OOB extensions to cover the game. That makes 20 extensions to play every scenario, 21 if download the gebirgs leaders for the mountain troops, plus those minefields. You don't need every extension active for any given scenario, but that is how the package works. Look-up these guys, they are using the package, and have created a helper extension for managing formations. I think that has us up to 23 for all and everything.

POC will likely be December or March updates. It will need OOB updates, which puts it on the update schedule. one of the maps (98) needs some editing before it gets packaged. Then there are leader and aircraft extensions, and the Greeks need to be created. The next to do is Liberation. It will be ready in December, along with Afrika '44, and hopefully, Last Horse Soldier, 'M' Division and some other extensions.
Thank you, Peter. I have downloaded Cassino '44 and set up the first scenario. It was a very big download, as you said. It's the Campaign Games element that won me over to buying it, but will need to work through some scenarios first - bot to keep trying to learn the rules and also to familiarise myself with the Cassino specific rules and terrain. It will be a loooong time, I suspect, before I am satiated with Cassino and ready for Crete! Thanks again for your input on the mentored scenarios and setting up Uber.